Saturday 1 December 2012

Alexander McQueen Fashion Show

Alexander McQueen Fashion Show

Alexander McQueen Fashion ShowRecent works of Alexander McQueen was honored by his final team trust a calm and dignified event that his heart was as a designer who scaled the heights of achievements haute couture. Sarah Burton, his right hand, described how, at the beginning of this collection, McQueen had turned away from the world of the Internet, which had operated so powerfully in his last show. "I wanted to return to the craft he loved, and the things that are lost in the development of fashion," he said. "I was looking at the art of the Middle Ages, but finding light and the beauty in it. Entered every day, draping and cutting pieces on the bench. " 16 teams showed 80 percent completed at the time of his death.

What McQueen was preparing had a poetic beauty that addresses the medieval religious iconography, while recovering the memories of his past collections. He had ordered fabric that translated digital photographs of paintings of high-church angels and Bosch demons into hand-loomed jacquards, then taken the materials and cut stately gowns and short cape draped dresses. In his account decorated surface, which could be interpreted as a kick against the direction fashion is simple and understated, but in its own way, the fluted, attenuated lines his robes offered a calm and simplicity. Instead of aggression, which transmits through the medieval and Byzantine empresses Virgin McQueen had been a student.

For those who had seen his development over the years, references to collections milestones were evident. Bandage assorted heads, some with feathers fats, while the rebels called the British designer and asylum stage fundraising while capturing an image of headgear modest observed in northern European medieval portrait. When a high collar, tight, cropped jacket made entirely of golden feathers appeared, read as a direct debit from the first stage in McQueen's couture collection Icarus, after the head of Givenchy in 1996 at the age of 27 years. This time, however, it has the ability to even better with a layered skirt of white tulle hem dotted with delicate gold embroidery.

Somehow, a trial encapsulated everything about McQueen: both adaptation and romance. It may not have chosen to appear in a simple and intimate, in a small room, decorated with private groups guest editors because they are not the full realization of the concept and staging that was also their creativity. But the circumstances and be sad, let your friends and colleagues to share a long and moving moment to see what the man did, and mourn for him.