Sunday 31 March 2013

How To Get Rid Of Zits

How To Get Rid Of Zits

Many over-the-counter acne medications contain benzoyl peroxide, which kills bacteria, reduces the production of oil, and dries out the zit. It may be tempting, but make sure not to over-apply the medication or use it for too long, because this can result in a really dry patch, which you'll end up having to moisturize.
Another option for how to get rid of zits is using over-the-counter creams with Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs). They soften skin and work well for mild acne.
And finally, use the right makeup. If you must cover up the offending zit, use concealers, foundations, and powders that are oil-free. Also, look for makeup containing the ingredient salicylic acid, which will help treat breakouts.

However you decide to get rid of zits, you should never squeeze, pick at, or pop your zits. Picking will only irritate the pimple, making it more red and more conspicuous. Squeezing or popping can force the oil and bacteria back into the skin, and cause another zit a few days later, or a cyst. Also, popping and picking pimples can leave little scars on your face that are permanent. Ask your parents how they dealt with their acne, since it's often inherited